Evaluation of Suneka Wastewater Treatment Plant Based on the Efficiency of Coliform Bacteria Removal

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Douglas Mosoti Rayori
Obed Nyabaro
Albert Getabu
Reuben Omondi
Paul Orina


Wastewater is rich with inorganic, organic, and microbial pollutants and has been linked to environmental pollution, and health hazards including water and food borne illnesses. Wastewater polishing is aimed at removing these pollutants, rendering the treated wastewater re-usable for domestic, agricultural, and industrial purposes. The study aimed to assess the efficiency of the Suneka Wastewater Treatment Plant (Suneka WWTP) in wastewater polishing based on the analysis of total and fecal coliform bacteria (TC and FC) removal during the period of August-December, 2019 at seven (7) sampling points. A culture method was used to determine the microbial composition of the wastewater. The coliform levels of the discharged effluent were then compared with the NEMA standards. The means of TC and FC were 76.3 ± 10.98 and 55.66 ± 9.89 counts/100 ml respectively. The mean polishing efficacy of the Suneka WWTP was of major concern as it was observed that coliforms (TC and FC) counts did not meet the required NEMA standards. The Gusii Water and Sanitation Company could use this information to improve wastewater treatment and meet the established guidelines for effluent coliform level discharge into the environment.


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How to Cite
Rayori, D. M., Nyabaro, O., Getabu, A., Omondi, R., & Orina, P. (2024). Evaluation of Suneka Wastewater Treatment Plant Based on the Efficiency of Coliform Bacteria Removal. PAN AFRICA SCIENCE JOURNAL, 4(03). https://doi.org/10.47787/pasj.v4i03.77
Author Biographies

Obed Nyabaro, Kisii University

Department of Chemistry, Kisii University, P.O Box 408, Kisii, Kenya

Albert Getabu, Kisii University

Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries, Kisii University, P.O Box 408, Kisii, Kenya

Reuben Omondi, Kisii University

Department of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries, Kisii University, P.O Box 408, Kisii, Kenya

Paul Orina, Kenya Marine Fisheries and Research Institute (KMFRI)

Kenya Marine Fisheries and Research Institute (KMFRI), Kegati Aquaculture Centre, P.O Box 3259, Kisii, Kenya


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