Menstrual hygiene management among Nigerian adolescent girls: Knowledge and associated factors

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Chioma J. Eze
Victoria O. Faremi
Yetunde O. Amoo
Joy C. Obialor
Blessing O. Obialor
Happiness A. Eze
Christiana D. Marindoti
Oluwadamilare Akingbade


Introduction: Menstruation is a crucial aspect of the monthly expected events in the life of a female starting at puberty. It is expected that females who have attained menarche, maintain a level of hygiene, but it is somewhat difficult in most low and middle-income countries due to many factors. The aim of this study was to investigate the knowledge and factors impacting menstrual hygiene practices among Nigerian adolescent girls.

Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted, data was collected among 315 secondary school students in Umuahia, Abia State using a closed-ended questionnaire. Collected data was analysed using descriptive statistics. Relationship between practice of menstrual hygiene management and the adolescent girls’ knowledge about menstruation was assessed using linear regression model and t-test at p <0.05 level of significance.

Results: The majority of the respondents (67.3%) are between age 11 and 15 (mean age; 14.34±3.8). Above average (58.7 %) had good knowledge about menstrual hygiene management, and the majority (83.8% and 94.6%) learnt about menstruation and menstrual hygiene management from parents and teachings in school respectively. Age at menarche was significantly associated with knowledge about menstruation at p= 0.011. However, age at menarche and knowledge about menstruation were not significantly associated with the menstrual hygiene management. Non-availability of menstrual materials and facilities for proper waste disposal were some factors affecting proper menstrual hygiene management.

Conclusion: Knowledge about proper menstrual hygiene management still requires urgent attention among adolescent girls due to the inadequate knowledge found among over one-third of the study participants. Ultimately, the provision of menstrual materials should be considered a priority for adolescent girls and they should be able to practice menstrual hygiene without problems of non-availability of menstrual materials. Facilities for proper disposal of waste should be made available in schools.


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How to Cite
Eze, C. J., Faremi, V. O., Amoo, Y. O., Obialor , J. C., Obialor, B. O., Eze, H. A., Marindoti, C. D., & Akingbade, O. (2023). Menstrual hygiene management among Nigerian adolescent girls: Knowledge and associated factors. PAN AFRICA SCIENCE JOURNAL, 3(03).
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